Saturday, April 6, 2019


Glenn Greenwald, a Ted Talk speaker has said even though we are ‘not doing anything we need to hide’ ourselves in social media (Sommer, 2014). Privacy issues and online security has been one of the crucial topics in today’s age of technology. In simple terms, internet privacy is a level of security provided in different social media platforms for its users’ personal information. The whole process of online privacy starts from the moment we start accessing the internet. Exactly when we sign up with our specific internet service provider, we start to share our IP address with others. Although this little breach of privacy does not harm us personally, it is our personal information that is being shared.

Today, we millennials choose convenience over privacy. Daily tasks, as simple as giving a Facebook like or using our credit card at a grocery store requires giving up our personal data. Yet we do it. Why? because it's easier. A similar data is shared in the article Survey reveals generation gap in attitudes about security and privacy where it clearly shows that almost half of Gen-Xers fail to protect their smartphone with a pin but about 63% of millennials password protect their phones simply because phones are their world. From pictures to credit card information, millennials keep everything on their phones. Why? Again, because it's easier. 

Moreover, The article The Wild West of Privacy says big companies like Facebook and Google "have developed sophisticated tools that allow them to know almost as much about us as we know about ourselves; they then sell that data to all kinds of companies that want to learn everything from our habits to our health, from our sexual orientation to our finances." These media platforms, mainly Facebook help advertisers to target customers accurately by gathering personal information like Facebook likes and shares which may cause privacy violations. Throughout this process of collecting data and sending it to advertisers, both media companies and advertisers often forget the difference between privacy invasion and effective marketing.



  1. I agree that people have chosen convenience over privacy, which exasperates the problem. It seems as if people don't value privacy as much as the generations before have. We seem to be a reactive society when it comes to new media and privacy. People only become concerned once their privacy has been compromised, but do very little to prevent it.

  2. Yes, I totally agree with even for me sometimes I don’t even recognize that I am the one who’s releasing my person information. Just during a short survey online or offline people ask for my phone numbers, email, home address and my name. Ofcouse I don’t give them the correct information but still there will are many who gives out their informaion and let people use their information. Even when I make CVS card there are bunch of stuff to fill in, in order to get the card otherwise I can’t get the card! It’s necessary for us to give them my personal information to use what I need in CVS.

  3. Privacy is play very important role play nowadays.
